The following is a reprint of data sheet #45 from the Guild of American Luthiers. They don't know who wrote it and it never made it into publication. But it's so incredibly useful that it's one of their most requested articles (you can download a PDF version from them here). To anyone who ever gets frustrated when tuning their guitar, this article explains why and I strongly advise you to read it. I promise you that accepting the information presenting here will make your guitar and your music sound better and your life much easier.
John's cremation was held the following week at Paris's Père Lachaise cemetery. It seemed like half the musicians in Paris, certainly most of the ex-pat musicians, turned out to see John off. Throughout the service, a gospel choir that John was involved with sang selections from the songs that he had written. It was quite an experience, intensely emotional yet a rich vein of joy ran through it too, albeit one with an unintentionally humorous end.

A buddy on private forum recently asked advice about meeting musicians to jam or start a band with and what internet sites anybody could recommend. His question got me thinking about my experiences over the 11-odd years I've been in Paris.