When we start playing barre chords, getting every note to ring clearly can be frustrating. Here are some tips to help solve those problems and an exercise I give my students that improves their barre chord playing, clarity, and stamina.
Posts tagged as “video”
Beginning guitar players will have some initial difficulty with strumming and rhythm. for many players, part of the difficulty is learning to strum upstrokes. In this video I explain the 'secret' to playing upstrokes, along with a simple practice technique that will make your strumming and rhythm playing smoother and more fluid.
Finding time to practice guitar can be tough so it's important we get the most of the time we do spend. Allowing yourself to make mistakes and being aware of those mistakes, makes your practice time more productive.
Sometimes a bolt-on guitar neck can shift in the neck pocket, causing the strings to be too close to one side of the neck. It's a common issue and very easy to fix. In this short video I show you how.